Piedmont Airlines Bargaining Report 11/15

Your CWA Bargaining Committee met with the Piedmont Bargaining Committee November 11th, 12th & 13th. The Company presented the following articles: Article 4: Filling of Vacancies, Article 6: Hours of Service, Article: 8 Overtime, and Article 9: Training. The Union presented our third proposal on compensation and Article 24: General and Miscellaneous. The Union gave counter proposals on Article 4, Article 6, Article 8, and Article 9, which resulted in tentative agreements. Once the contractis ratified some of the improvements will include the awarding of open shifts 14 days in advance, some written TDY rules, the ability to have equal shift trades count toward overtime accrual, 14 days advance notice for retraining schedule, and a per diem allowance equal to mainline. The company also presented counter proposals on Article 11: Holidays and Article 12: Vacations. We made progress this session to close out almost all the non-economic language so we can concentrate on economics. Your mobilization efforts picketing at stations and signing the petition are pushing the company to make progress in bargaining. We need all members to keep up the efforts. Mobilization is the way to get a fair contract. We will continue to evaluate the use of mediation, however the power to move the company is with your actions through mobilization. You can view pictures from the pickets at different stations on the Piedmont Agents Connected Facebook page and stay updated through our website. At the moment we have sent over 1,500 petition signatures to Piedmont Airlines CEO Eric Morgan. We have added extra days to each bargaining session and extra sessions to try to get to a contract. The next bargaining dates are December 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th. We will be sending out the next mobilization action soon. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. When we fight, we win |
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